Ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu Festivals Malta, organiżżat serje’ ta’ korsijiet li jiffukaw fuq il-miżuri tas-saħħa u sigurtà li għandhom jittieħdu waqt li nkunu qegħdin naħdmu...
Nispera li tinsabu tajjeb Dan hu l-ewwel blog post għal-din is-sena Milli jidher id-dinja qegħda tibda tieħu r-ruħ minn din il-pandemijja li waqfet lid-dinja u ġabet lil kulħadd għalkubtejh...
Following the recent Covid-19 developments, our company decided to go live on facebook by presenting ten episodes On April 21st Paul Chicrcop decided to go live in a spontaneaous way The first...
This year’s carnival was unique for our company and for Brendan & Yanika, a one to remember During the carnival on sunday, thousands of families and tourists entered in the city to...
Among the floats and Carnival celebrations that take over our islands towards the end of February, it is hard to miss the colourful costumes worn by dancers and performers One can only imagine the...
Our company was featured on one breakfast on Valentine’s eve This time featuring one of our leaders Stiefnu and his wife Stefania The feature covers a short interview on how Stefan and Stefania...
Jean Paul Bonett died this afternoon after suffering an electric shock in a carnival warehouse in Marsa The accident happened in Xatt il-Mollijiet while Bonett was working on a float for this...